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Vietnam Visa Blog

Vietnam Governmental Agencies
Vietnamese Border Crossings
If you are planning a trip to Vietnam, please check the visa requirement first to make sure a valid Vietnam visa is required for your trip or not. But if you are in Vietnam and wish to visit one of its neighboring countries via land border and wonder which border suits your itinerary, the following information may be helpful to you.
Granting, Extension, Supplementation and Modification of Assorted Papers for Foreigners’ on Temporary Residence in Vietnam
Foreigners who are guests of the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, the State President and the Government; guests of equivalent ranks of ministers, vice ministers, presidents and vice presidents of the People’s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities
Codes of Visas and Temporary Residence Cards
Different types of Vietnam visa bear the following code signs: A1: shall be granted to official members of delegations invited by the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, the State President, the Government and guests of ranks equivalent to the ranks of ministers, vice ministers, presidents or vice presidents of the People’s Committees of the provinces or centrally-run cities, and their accompanying dependents and servants.
Noi Bai, Tan Son Nhat and Da Nang International Airports
Those who traveling to Vietnam by air via one of the following international airports may have two options to get a visa to Vietnam, consisting of:
How do foreigners apply for a Vietnam permanent residence card?
The Article 13 of Ordinance 24/2000/PL-UBTVQH10 dated April 28, 2000, on immigration and residence of foreigners in Vietnam is as follows:
How to prepare for a trip to Vietnam
When mentioning about Vietnam , people usually think of its famous battles in the past. Throughout a long period of time fighting against invaders, Vietnam, at last, proclaimed its independence in 1945 and united all regions in 1975 to found the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. For more than 20 years of renovation, Vietnam has been changing a lot in terms of all aspects.
Airport Car Pickup
In addition to Vietnam visa on arrival service, we also offers customers with airport pickup service to smoothen their trip to Vietnam right at its start, since we know getting off the flight, exiting Noi Bai International
Vietnam Customs and Immigration
Customs procedures in Vietnam are quick and simple. To enter and exit Vietnam, visitors not only need to present their Vietnam visa if required, they also are required to fulfill the entrance and exit procedures in the form (in Vietnamese or in English languages).
Get Vietnam Visa through a Vietnam visa center
With development of internet and also for convenience of travelers, it’s now possible to a Vietnam visa through a Vietnam visa center, particularly Visa on Arrival. This is a much better and easier way to deal with all visa matters than to do it on your own.
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